Cross compile mainline Chromium for RISC-V from scratch

September 08, 2024 · 23 min read

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It is well known that compiling a large software like Chromium can take a lot of resources. Most riscv64 linux distros are directly building chromium on real riscv64 hardware or QEMU user-mode emulator. Packagers need to be very patient because of the poor performance of the RISC-V chips/emulators at the current stage. Building chromium in qemu-user on 5950X can take at least 2.6 days to complete, and building it on slow hardwares like unmatched boards can take a lot longer than that. The 64 core SG2042 server brought some excitement but later it was proven that some quirks or even system instability can be encountered when building chromium on it.

So the most reasonable way to build and develop (or hack on) chromium for RISC-V appears to be cross compilation. But as everyone knows, cross-compilation in general can be hard, let alone compiling such a large project like chromium. In the following post, I will walk you through the procedures about cross compiling mainline chromium for riscv64 from the absolute scratch, staying as close to upstream as possible.

Environment Preparation

For the purpose of this post, I assume you are cross compiling chromium from x86_64 to riscv64. It might also be possible to do the cross-compilation on arm64 but I never tried.

The cross-compilation will be done in a Debian bookworm environment. Don’t worry if you are using other distros. We will setup a systemd container so it will work if you are using a systemd powered Linux distro. If not, then you can try to do it in a docker/podman container.


You might insist on following this post on your beloved distro and I cannot stop you from doing that. Here’s some problems you might encounter:

  • Cross compiler uses different search paths than Debian sysroot(which we will build later), causing compiler errors
  • depot_tools messes with your environment. After adding depot_tools to PATH, ninja and some binaries are wrapped and uses Google’s prebuilt instead of the ones installed on your system. And lots of binaries are downloaded from Google’s server. So to avoid tainting your system, you might want to do it in a container.

Creating the Container


I put no assumption about your current working directory. But building chromium should take at least 100GB disk space and for faster build you should be using an SSD.

That being said, it’s a common practice to place such containers in /var/lib/machines so that you can easily manage such containers with machinectl without any additional configuration.

Install debootstrap and create a base container:

sudo debootstrap bookworm ./chromium-devel

Then enter the container:

sudo systemd-nspawn -D chromium-devel/

You should be greeted with a root shell.

Installing Dependencies

First, let’s install some really basic stuff:

apt update && apt install -y curl git lsb-release python3 git file vim sudo

Creating a non-root User

Building as root is bad, let’s create a non-root user and give it sudo privillege.

useradd -m porter -G sudo -s /bin/bash
passwd porter

Then switch to the porter account and go home:

su porter

Don’t forget to set up your git config:

git config --global ""
git config --global "Your Name"

Install depot_tools

depot_tools are the official tools for Chromium development. Most importantly, it includes gclient which manages hundreds of git repos. We will use it to fetch Chromium source code.

git clone

Then permanently add it to PATH by adding the following line to your .bashrc:

export PATH="$HOME/depot_tools:$PATH"

Source the .bashrc to apply the change:

. .bashrc

Fetch the Sources

First, create a directory for the sources and cd into it. I will use ~/Workspaces/chromium:

mkdir -p Workspaces/chromium && cd $_

Then fetch the Chromium source code using the fetch command from depot_tools:

fetch --nohooks chromium

Mind the --nohooks argument because some dependencies are not yet installed.

This step can take quite a lot time depending on your network condition. While downloading, do something else and relax!

After it finishes, install additional dependencies:

sudo src/build/

Then we can run the hooks(which download toolchains and sysroots and do some other stuff):

gclient runhooks

Then cd into src, the Chromium source repo.


The main branch is at commit 790c25b96b62748e965b7b5df8112b09ed179b35 at the time of writing. For better reproducibility and less work, you can use this commit instead of main branch:

git checkout 790c25b96b62748e965b7b5df8112b09ed179b35
gclient sync

But hey, come on! You are not reading this post solely for the purpose of exactly reproduce the same result, right? Let’s build mainline and expect to solve some problems by yourself! If you have already run the above commands, run

git checkout main
gclient sync

to switch back to mainline.

Build the Toolchains

Chromium uses its own LLVM(and Rust) toolchain. The LLVM toolchain is built with RISC-V target enabled but most components missing. Most importantly, compiler-rt is missing. Building compiler-rt requires a Debian sysroot, as upstream doesn’t maintain Debian sysroot for riscv64, they cannot enable those components for riscv64, thus blocking riscv64 from being officially supported.

Debian only supports riscv64 in sid at the time of writing, while other architectures are using Debian bulleye sysroots. So it is unlikely that a riscv64 sysroot patch will be accepted by upstream, at least before trixie is released with riscv64 support.

So in order to build a LLVM toolchain with sufficient riscv64 support, we need to build a Debian sysroot first.

Debian Sysroot

Debian sysroots are placed in build/linux, and following the convention we should name our sysroot debian_sid_riscv64-sysroot.

Let’s create a Debian sysroot via debootstrap. This is the most simple way to go.

sudo apt install -y debootstrap
sudo debootstrap \
--arch=riscv64 \
--include=qtbase5-dev,qt6-base-dev,qt6-base-dev-tools,krb5-multidev,libasound2-dev,libatk-bridge2.0-dev,libatk1.0-dev,libatspi2.0-dev,libblkid-dev,libbluetooth-dev,libc-dev-bin,libc6-dev,libcrypt-dev,libcups2-dev,libcurl4-gnutls-dev,libdbus-1-dev,libdbusmenu-glib-dev,libdbusmenu-gtk3-dev,libdevmapper1.02.1,libdrm-dev,libffi-dev,libflac-dev,libgbm-dev,libgcc-12-dev,libgcrypt20-dev,libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-dev,libgl1-mesa-dev,libglib2.0-dev,libglib2.0-dev-bin,libgtk-3-dev,libgtk-4-dev,libjsoncpp-dev,libkrb5-dev,libmount-dev,libnotify-dev,libnsl-dev,libnss3-dev,libpango1.0-dev,libpci-dev,libpcre2-dev,libpipewire-0.3-dev,libpulse-dev,libre2-dev,libselinux1-dev,libsepol-dev,libspeechd-dev,libstdc++-12-dev,libstdc++-13-dev,libtirpc-dev,libudev1,libva-dev,libx11-xcb-dev,libxkbcommon-x11-dev,libxshmfence-dev,linux-libc-dev,mesa-common-dev,uuid-dev,zlib1g-dev,wayland-protocols,libasan8 \
sid \
build/linux/debian_sid_riscv64-sysroot \

Some of the packages might be unnecessary but the above command should work.


In case you need to add packages to the sysroot, you can chroot into the sysroot and use apt to install packages if you have set up QEMU user mode emulation on your host.

If you didn’t setup QEMU user mode emulation on your host, you can also add the new package to the list and remove then rebuild the sysroot. In that case you probably want to use --cache-dir to avoid redownloading packages.

You might encounter some errors about configuring packages, that doesn’t affect our usage and we can ignore them.


As suggested by Revy, the errors come from the second stage of debootstrap. A more sane way to create the sysroot is to debootstrap a base system first and then chroot into it to install other packages:

sudo debootstrap \
--arch=riscv64 sid \
build/linux/debian_sid_riscv64-sysroot \
sudo chroot build/linux/debian_sid_riscv64-sysroot bash -e "echo 'qtbase5-dev,qt6-base-dev,qt6-base-dev-tools,krb5-multidev,libasound2-dev,libatk-bridge2.0-dev,libatk1.0-dev,libatspi2.0-dev,libblkid-dev,libbluetooth-dev,libc-dev-bin,libc6-dev,libcrypt-dev,libcups2-dev,libcurl4-gnutls-dev,libdbus-1-dev,libdbusmenu-glib-dev,libdbusmenu-gtk3-dev,libdevmapper1.02.1,libdrm-dev,libffi-dev,libflac-dev,libgbm-dev,libgcc-12-dev,libgcrypt20-dev,libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-dev,libgl1-mesa-dev,libglib2.0-dev,libglib2.0-dev-bin,libgtk-3-dev,libgtk-4-dev,libjsoncpp-dev,libkrb5-dev,libmount-dev,libnotify-dev,libnsl-dev,libnss3-dev,libpango1.0-dev,libpci-dev,libpcre2-dev,libpipewire-0.3-dev,libpulse-dev,libre2-dev,libselinux1-dev,libsepol-dev,libspeechd-dev,libstdc++-12-dev,libstdc++-13-dev,libtirpc-dev,libudev1,libva-dev,libx11-xcb-dev,libxkbcommon-x11-dev,libxshmfence-dev,linux-libc-dev,mesa-common-dev,uuid-dev,zlib1g-dev,wayland-protocols,libasan8' | tr ',' ' ' | xargs apt install -y"

But this assumes that you have set up QEMU user mode emulation on your host. If not, you can safely ignore the errors for now since that doesn’t affect our sysroot usage in this blog post.

Then we need to modify the sysroot because chromium expect to find pkgconfigs in <sysroot>/usr/lib/pkgconfig:

And we need to remove usr/bin/python* because otherwise when building the LLVM toolchain it attempts to execute the python binary from the sysroot.

cd build/linux/debian_sid_riscv64-sysroot
sudo mv usr/lib/riscv64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/* usr/lib/pkgconfig/
sudo rm usr/bin/python*
cd -


In a previous snapshot, the is an absolute symlink, causing troubles when building chromium.

The snapshot used above doesn’t have this problem. But if you are using a different snapshot, feel free to run find <PATH_TO_SYSROOT> -type l -lname '/*' | grep lib to search for absolute symlinks that might cause trouble for the build and manually replace them with equivalent relative symlinks.


You can also create the sysroot via Chromium’s sysroot creator script, but this approach requires you to edit that script to support riscv64, which is not a trivial task.

For electron riscv fork, I am taking this approach because it is more automatic and closer to upstream. The relevant patch is

LLVM Toolchain

It’s possible to use other LLVM toolchains or even gcc(more patches are needed, of course). Note that for cross language LTO to work you’ll need the Rust toolchain to be built against matching LLVM. Such toolchains are also available for download on This blog post aims to stay close to upstream so we will use Chromium’s LLVM toolchain.

tools/clang/scripts/ builds Chromium’s LLVM toolchain. It includes fuchsia and Android support which requires NDK to be present. To avoid the need of setting up NDK and save build time, we will disable Android and fuchsia support when building the toolchain.

Apply the following patch that adds riscv64 support and disables some unnecessary parts for the purpose of this blog post.

From 793181377f3fadc5e239503d5f068cc7b9f65e65 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: kxxt <>
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2024 09:19:00 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] clang toolchain: riscv64 support
And drop android and fuchsia build to reduce build time.
build/config/clang/ | 2 ++
tools/clang/scripts/ | 21 +++++++++++-
tools/clang/scripts/ | 62 ++++++++++------------------------
3 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
diff --git a/build/config/clang/ b/build/config/clang/
index cbb5230967b17..e66ab2b0ee211 100644
--- a/build/config/clang/
+++ b/build/config/clang/
@@ -204,6 +204,8 @@ template("clang_lib") {
_dir = "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf"
} else if (current_cpu == "arm64") {
_dir = "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu"
+ } else if (current_cpu == "riscv64") {
+ _dir = "riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu"
} else {
assert(false) # Unhandled cpu type
diff --git a/tools/clang/scripts/ b/tools/clang/scripts/
index 0a6e21456e86f..e88b3b63d2137 100755
--- a/tools/clang/scripts/
+++ b/tools/clang/scripts/
@@ -548,10 +548,17 @@ def DownloadDebianSysroot(platform_name, skip_download=False):
'arm': 'fe81e7114b97440262bce004caf02c1514732e2fa7f99693b2836932ad1c4626',
# hash from
'arm64': '308e23faba3174bd01accfe358467b8a40fad4db4c49ef629da30219f65a275f',
+ 'riscv64': 'SKIP',
- toolchain_name = f'debian_bullseye_{platform_name}_sysroot'
+ release = 'bullseye' if platform_name != 'riscv64' else 'sid'
+ toolchain_name = f'debian_{release}_{platform_name}_sysroot'
output = os.path.join(LLVM_BUILD_TOOLS_DIR, toolchain_name)
+ if hashes[platform_name] == 'SKIP':
+ return output
U = toolchain_bucket + hashes[platform_name]
if not skip_download:
DownloadAndUnpack(U, output)
@@ -837,6 +844,7 @@ def main():
sysroot_i386 = DownloadDebianSysroot('i386', args.skip_checkout)
sysroot_arm = DownloadDebianSysroot('arm', args.skip_checkout)
sysroot_arm64 = DownloadDebianSysroot('arm64', args.skip_checkout)
+ sysroot_riscv64 = DownloadDebianSysroot('riscv64', args.skip_checkout)
# Add the sysroot to base_cmake_args.
if platform.machine() == 'aarch64':
@@ -1197,6 +1205,17 @@ def main():
+ runtimes_triples_args['riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu'] = {
+ "args": [
+ 'CMAKE_SYSROOT=%s' % sysroot_riscv64,
+ # Can't run tests on x86 host.
+ ],
+ "profile":
+ True,
+ "sanitizers":
+ True,
+ }
elif sys.platform == 'win32':
sysroot = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(GetWinSDKDir()))
runtimes_triples_args['i386-pc-windows-msvc'] = {
diff --git a/tools/clang/scripts/ b/tools/clang/scripts/
index fa6c150751d62..fe1a904637b57 100755
--- a/tools/clang/scripts/
+++ b/tools/clang/scripts/
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ def main():
build_cmd = [
os.path.join(THIS_DIR, ''), '--bootstrap', '--disable-asserts',
- '--run-tests', '--pgo'
+ '--without-android', '--without-fuchsia', '--pgo'
if sys.platform != 'darwin':
@@ -294,16 +294,6 @@ def main():
# Add llvm-readobj (symlinked from llvm-readelf) for extracting SONAMEs.
- if sys.platform != 'darwin':
- # The Fuchsia runtimes are only built on non-Mac platforms.
- want.update([
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/aarch64-unknown-fuchsia/libclang_rt.builtins.a',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/x86_64-unknown-fuchsia/libclang_rt.builtins.a',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/x86_64-unknown-fuchsia/libclang_rt.profile.a',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/x86_64-unknown-fuchsia/',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/x86_64-unknown-fuchsia/libclang_rt.asan-preinit.a',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/x86_64-unknown-fuchsia/libclang_rt.asan_static.a',
- ])
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
runtime_package_name = 'clang-mac-runtime-library'
runtime_packages = set([
@@ -347,36 +337,25 @@ def main():
+ 'lib/clang/$V/lib/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu/libclang_rt.asan.a',
+ 'lib/clang/$V/lib/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu/libclang_rt.asan.a.syms',
+ 'lib/clang/$V/lib/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu/libclang_rt.asan_static.a',
# AddressSanitizer C++ runtime.
- # AddressSanitizer Android runtime.
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/libclang_rt.asan_static-aarch64-android.a',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/libclang_rt.asan_static-arm-android.a',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/libclang_rt.asan_static-i686-android.a',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/libclang_rt.asan_static-riscv64-android.a',
- # Builtins for Android.
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/libclang_rt.builtins-aarch64-android.a',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/libclang_rt.builtins-arm-android.a',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/libclang_rt.builtins-i686-android.a',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/libclang_rt.builtins-x86_64-android.a',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/libclang_rt.builtins-riscv64-android.a',
+ 'lib/clang/$V/lib/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu/libclang_rt.asan_cxx.a',
+ 'lib/clang/$V/lib/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu/libclang_rt.asan_cxx.a.syms',
# Builtins for Linux and Lacros.
+ 'lib/clang/$V/lib/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu/libclang_rt.builtins.a',
# crtstart/crtend for Linux and Lacros.
@@ -385,12 +364,8 @@ def main():
- # HWASAN Android runtime.
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/libclang_rt.hwasan-preinit-aarch64-android.a',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/libclang_rt.hwasan-preinit-riscv64-android.a',
+ 'lib/clang/$V/lib/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu/clang_rt.crtbegin.o',
+ 'lib/clang/$V/lib/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu/clang_rt.crtend.o',
# MemorySanitizer C runtime (pure C won't link with *_cxx).
@@ -405,34 +380,33 @@ def main():
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/libclang_rt.profile-i686-android.a',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/libclang_rt.profile-x86_64-android.a',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/libclang_rt.profile-aarch64-android.a',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/libclang_rt.profile-arm-android.a',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/libclang_rt.profile-riscv64-android.a',
+ 'lib/clang/$V/lib/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu/libclang_rt.profile.a',
# ThreadSanitizer C runtime (pure C won't link with *_cxx).
+ 'lib/clang/$V/lib/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu/libclang_rt.tsan.a',
+ 'lib/clang/$V/lib/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu/libclang_rt.tsan.a.syms',
# ThreadSanitizer C++ runtime.
+ 'lib/clang/$V/lib/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu/libclang_rt.tsan_cxx.a',
+ 'lib/clang/$V/lib/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu/libclang_rt.tsan_cxx.a.syms',
# UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer C runtime (pure C won't link with *_cxx).
+ 'lib/clang/$V/lib/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu/libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone.a',
+ 'lib/clang/$V/lib/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu/libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone.a.syms',
# UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer C++ runtime.
- # UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer Android runtime, needed for CFI.
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/',
- 'lib/clang/$V/lib/linux/',
+ 'lib/clang/$V/lib/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu/libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone_cxx.a',
+ 'lib/clang/$V/lib/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu/libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone_cxx.a.syms',
# Ignorelist for MemorySanitizer (used on Linux only).

LLVM build script expects another sysroot to be installed. We can create a symlink to make it happy:

mkdir -p third_party/llvm-build-tools
ln -s ../../build/linux/debian_sid_riscv64-sysroot third_party/llvm-build-tools/debian_sid_riscv64_sysroot

Then start building LLVM toolchain:

# This script will package the toolchain in addition to building it.


If you are building an older version of Chromium(less than 126.0.6478.185), you might encounter the following issue when linking Chromium:

Please try a newer toolchain.

Rust Toolchain

Chromium’s prebuilt rust toolchain already includes support for riscv64 target. So usually we don’t need to do anything.

But in case you want to build an older version of Chromium, you need to be aware of the following two issues:

Patch the Sources

Before building Chromium, we need to apply some RISC-V specific patches.


The riscv64 patch for sandbox:

Apply this patch by running:

git fetch refs/changes/20/4935120/3 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD

And to make Chromium recognize our riscv64 sysroot, apply the following patch:

From 3ade41428a07f7bbc3e361011b0506aa7a4b213f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: kxxt <>
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2024 10:10:53 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] sysroot: riscv64 support
build/config/sysroot.gni | 4 +++-
build/linux/sysroot_scripts/ | 8 +++++---
build/linux/sysroot_scripts/sysroots.json | 5 +++++
3 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/build/config/sysroot.gni b/build/config/sysroot.gni
index 47fe4cbc840dd..965890580f417 100644
--- a/build/config/sysroot.gni
+++ b/build/config/sysroot.gni
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ declare_args() {
use_sysroot =
current_cpu == "x86" || current_cpu == "x64" || current_cpu == "arm" ||
current_cpu == "arm64" || current_cpu == "mipsel" ||
- current_cpu == "mips64el" || (current_cpu == "riscv64" && is_android)
+ current_cpu == "mips64el" || current_cpu == "riscv64"
if (sysroot == "") {
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ if (sysroot == "") {
sysroot = "$target_sysroot_dir/debian_bullseye_armhf-sysroot"
} else if (current_cpu == "arm64") {
sysroot = "$target_sysroot_dir/debian_bullseye_arm64-sysroot"
+ } else if (current_cpu == "riscv64") {
+ sysroot = "$target_sysroot_dir/debian_sid_riscv64-sysroot"
} else {
assert(false, "No linux sysroot for cpu: $target_cpu")
diff --git a/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/ b/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/
index abd58136efc83..22b63794f1e7c 100755
--- a/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/
+++ b/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ from urllib.request import urlopen
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
SRC_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(SCRIPT_DIR)))
-VALID_ARCHS = ("amd64", "i386", "armhf", "arm64", "mipsel", "mips64el")
+VALID_ARCHS = ("amd64", "i386", "armhf", "arm64", "mipsel", "mips64el", "riscv64")
"x64": "amd64",
@@ -89,14 +89,16 @@ def main(args):
sysroots_json_path = DEFAULT_SYSROOTS_PATH
if options.arch:
+ target_platform = 'sid' if options.arch == 'riscv64' else DEFAULT_TARGET_PLATFORM
+ target_platform,
ARCH_TRANSLATIONS.get(options.arch, options.arch),
elif options.all:
for arch in VALID_ARCHS:
- InstallSysroot(sysroots_json_path, DEFAULT_TARGET_PLATFORM, arch)
+ target_platform = 'sid' if arch == 'riscv64' else DEFAULT_TARGET_PLATFORM
+ InstallSysroot(sysroots_json_path, target_platform, arch)
print("You much specify one of the options.")
return 1
diff --git a/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/sysroots.json b/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/sysroots.json
index f146ea68bc72d..6d305f1b1fc51 100644
--- a/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/sysroots.json
+++ b/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/sysroots.json
@@ -34,5 +34,10 @@
"SysrootDir": "debian_bullseye_mipsel-sysroot",
"Tarball": "debian_bullseye_mipsel_sysroot.tar.xz",
"URL": ""
+ },
+ "sid_riscv64": {
+ "SysrootDir": "debian_sid_riscv64-sysroot",
+ "Tarball": "debian_sid_riscv64_sysroot.tar.xz",
+ "URL": "DUMMY"

In order to build Linux installer (deb and rpm packages), apply the following patch:

From 8a7431dab05449316e952ee38a5de04f7e508617 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: kxxt <>
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2024 10:04:49 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] installer: riscv64 support
chrome/installer/linux/ | 4 ++++
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
diff --git a/chrome/installer/linux/ b/chrome/installer/linux/
index 51f7c978a0b32..ce94b6fb4aa55 100644
--- a/chrome/installer/linux/
+++ b/chrome/installer/linux/
@@ -453,6 +453,8 @@ template("linux_package") {
deb_arch = "mips64el"
} else if (current_cpu == "loong64") {
deb_arch = "loong64"
+ } else if (current_cpu == "riscv64") {
+ deb_arch = "riscv64"
} else {
assert(false, "Linux installer not configured for this architecture.")
@@ -504,6 +506,8 @@ template("linux_package") {
rpm_arch = "mips64el"
} else if (current_cpu == "loong64") {
rpm_arch = "loongarch64"
+ } else if (current_cpu == "riscv64") {
+ rpm_arch = "riscv64"
} else {
assert(false, "Linux installer not configured for this architecture.")

And apply the following patches to fix build:

Upstream CL Link:

From 77941f390f27b8f439956d78682a571e6d9b5bd8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: kxxt <>
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2024 13:57:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] [riscv] cargo_crate.gni: add riscv64 case
build/rust/cargo_crate.gni | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/build/rust/cargo_crate.gni b/build/rust/cargo_crate.gni
index e5d1b2f831e6d..ded0204dcae7a 100644
--- a/build/rust/cargo_crate.gni
+++ b/build/rust/cargo_crate.gni
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ template("cargo_crate") {
- if (current_cpu == "arm64" || current_cpu == "x64") {
+ if (current_cpu == "arm64" || current_cpu == "x64" || current_cpu == "riscv64") {
args += [

A workaround for partition allocator:

It will be fixed in .

From 82d266dd56d0e3ee782e984eba0725fe2320cd93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: kxxt <>
Date: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 15:18:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Ensure lock not on the same cacheline as read-mostly flags in PartitionRoot
Fix static assertion failure(from the end of when
compiling for riscv64.
Bug: none
Change-Id: I365a02a906354deecb592b9c204cf57d33a38857
diff --git a/base/allocator/partition_allocator/src/partition_alloc/partition_root.h b/base/allocator/partition_allocator/src/partition_alloc/partition_root.h
index 09481b6d..01f8ae78 100644
--- a/base/allocator/partition_allocator/src/partition_alloc/partition_root.h
+++ b/base/allocator/partition_allocator/src/partition_alloc/partition_root.h
@@ -284,7 +284,8 @@
// Not used on the fastest path (thread cache allocations), but on the fast
// path of the central allocator.
- alignas(std::hardware_destructive_interference_size) internal::Lock lock_;
+ alignas(std::hardware_destructive_interference_size) alignas(
+ 64) internal::Lock lock_;
Bucket buckets[internal::kNumBuckets] = {};
Bucket sentinel_bucket{};


Chromium doesn’t use ffmpeg’s build system. It stores generated files like config.h for every architecture/platform combination. So this means that we need to build the generated files for riscv64.

First, let’s apply this patch to Chromium:

From c584ec24dcc628c7a7df6637811f3b369dd49043 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Levi Zim <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 04:14:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] media/ffmpeg: add riscv64 support
media/ffmpeg/scripts/ | 16 +++++++++++++++-
media/ffmpeg/scripts/ | 2 +-
media/ffmpeg/scripts/robo_lib/ | 2 +-
3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/media/ffmpeg/scripts/ b/media/ffmpeg/scripts/
index 3661b91740ae0..16b135d38f70a 100755
--- a/media/ffmpeg/scripts/
+++ b/media/ffmpeg/scripts/
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ BRANDINGS = [
'android': ['ia32', 'x64', 'arm-neon', 'arm64'],
- 'linux': ['ia32', 'x64', 'noasm-x64', 'arm', 'arm-neon', 'arm64'],
+ 'linux': ['ia32', 'x64', 'noasm-x64', 'arm', 'arm-neon', 'arm64', 'riscv64'],
'mac': ['x64', 'arm64'],
'win': ['ia32', 'x64', 'arm64'],
@@ -897,6 +897,20 @@ def ConfigureAndBuild(target_arch, target_os, host_os, host_arch,
+ elif target_arch == "riscv64":
+ configure_flags['Common'].extend([
+ '--arch=riscv64',
+ '--extra-cflags=-march=rv64gc',
+ ])
+ if target_os == 'linux':
+ configure_flags['Common'].extend([
+ '--enable-cross-compile',
+ '--target-os=linux',
+ '--sysroot=' + os.path.join(
+ CHROMIUM_ROOT_DIR, 'build/linux/debian_sid_riscv64-sysroot'),
+ '--extra-cflags=--target=riscv64-linux-gnu',
+ '--extra-ldflags=--target=riscv64-linux-gnu',
+ ])
print('Error: Unknown target arch %r for target OS %r!' %
(target_arch, target_os),
diff --git a/media/ffmpeg/scripts/ b/media/ffmpeg/scripts/
index 12455913ea76f..4611c274bf161 100755
--- a/media/ffmpeg/scripts/
+++ b/media/ffmpeg/scripts/
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ GN_SOURCE_END = """]
Attr = collections.namedtuple('Attr', _Attrs)(*_Attrs)
- Attr.ARCHITECTURE: set(['ia32', 'x64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'arm-neon']),
+ Attr.ARCHITECTURE: set(['ia32', 'x64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'arm-neon', 'riscv64']),
Attr.TARGET: set(['Chromium', 'Chrome']),
Attr.PLATFORM: set(['android', 'linux', 'win', 'mac'])
diff --git a/media/ffmpeg/scripts/robo_lib/ b/media/ffmpeg/scripts/robo_lib/
index 84a6bf5196d95..7f0c3d0a7f221 100644
--- a/media/ffmpeg/scripts/robo_lib/
+++ b/media/ffmpeg/scripts/robo_lib/
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ class RoboConfiguration:
self._host_operating_system = "linux"
- with open("/etc/lsb-release", "r") as f:
+ with open("/etc/os-release", "r") as f:
result =
if "Ubuntu" in result or "Debian" in result:
self._os_flavor = packages.OsFlavor.Debian

Then let’s build ffmpeg for riscv64:

export PATH="/home/porter/Workspaces/chromium/src/third_party/llvm-build/Release+Asserts/bin:$PATH"
media/ffmpeg/scripts/ linux riscv64

After building, you should see:

Done. If desired you may copy config.h/config.asm into the source/config tree using

To do that, first cd into third_party/ffmpeg, then patch:

From de2123a51e19938903c4b96cc5568c764f00c996 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: kxxt <>
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2024 06:25:01 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] ffmpeg: include riscv64 in copy_config.h
chromium/scripts/ | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/chromium/scripts/ b/chromium/scripts/
index a18048cf04..0d080211aa 100755
--- a/chromium/scripts/
+++ b/chromium/scripts/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ for os in android linux linux-noasm mac win; do
# Copy config files for various architectures:
# - ia32/x64 have config.asm, config.h
# - arm/arm-neon have config.h
- for arch in arm arm-neon arm64 ia32 x64 mipsel mips64el; do
+ for arch in arm arm-neon arm64 ia32 x64 mipsel mips64el riscv64; do
# Don't waste time on non-existent configs, if no config.h then skip.
[ ! -e "build.$arch.$os/$target/config.h" ] && continue
for f in config.h config_components.h config.asm libavutil/avconfig.h libavutil/ffversion.h libavcodec/bsf_list.c libavcodec/codec_list.c libavcodec/parser_list.c libavformat/demuxer_list.c libavformat/muxer_list.c libavformat/protocol_list.c; do

and run


Note was removed when Chromium moved most of the scripts from third_party/ffmpeg to media/ffmpeg. It’s unclear to me why they did that, but it has been added back for now and might be converted into a Python script in the future.

So for some old versions of Chromium between these two commits, there’s no available. You need to copy the config files manually or obtain elsewhere.

Then you should see some generated files are copied to chromium/config for riscv64:

$ git status
HEAD detached from 6711fb8465
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

We are not done yet. We need to update Chromium’s ffmpeg build recipe for riscv64.

../../media/ffmpeg/scripts/ updates ffmpeg_generated.gni by scanning all the build dirs of ffmpeg for every architecture/platform combination.

Previously we generated the build dir for riscv64: build.riscv64.linux. Then the generated ffmpeg_generated.gni only comes with riscv64 linux support.

In order to support other architecture/platform combinations, build them before running

Some executables for the build architecture also need ffmpeg, so we also need to build ffmpeg for our build architecture(x86_64):

sudo apt install -y yasm
../../media/ffmpeg/scripts/ linux x64


SwiftShader supports riscv64, but compiling with the default LLVM 10 results in compiler errors. So let’s apply a patch for switching to LLVM 16:

cd into third_party/swiftshader and apply the following patch:

From 563b597de79e12e6aad67614b21df2d802cadce5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Levi Zim <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2024 09:08:09 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Default to use llvm16
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Fix the following error when compiling chromium targeting riscv64 using llvm 10
../../third_party/swiftshader/src/Reactor/LLVMJIT.cpp:796:83: error: no member named 'Create' in 'llvm::jitlink::InProcessMemoryManager'
796 | , objectLayer(session, llvm::cantFail(llvm::jitlink::InProcessMemoryManager::Create()))
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^
1 error generated
Change-Id: Ideb0c987dad35ca06b247e18ded6398f313921de
Commit-Queue: Shahbaz Youssefi <>
Kokoro-Result: kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Shahbaz Youssefi <>
Presubmit-Ready: Shahbaz Youssefi <>
Tested-by: Shahbaz Youssefi <>
Reviewed-by: Alexis Hétu <>
src/Reactor/ | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/Reactor/ b/src/Reactor/
index 67dfeb0ec..dcb13614a 100644
--- a/src/Reactor/
+++ b/src/Reactor/
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ if (supports_subzero) {
if (supports_llvm) {
swiftshader_source_set("swiftshader_llvm_reactor") {
- llvm_dir = "../../third_party/llvm-10.0"
+ llvm_dir = "../../third_party/llvm-16.0"
deps = [


As you can see, this patch has been merged. But later it was reverted because it breaks Chromium’s CI.

So we still need to manually apply this patch.


RISC-V support is already in upstream V8, but it appears that V8 development doesn’t take riscv64 into consideration and it’s up to the RISC-V team to fix breakages afterwards. This often results in not buildable V8 releases for riscv64. So we usually need to backport some V8 patches or update V8 to a new version.

At Chromium commit 790c25b96b62748e965b7b5df8112b09ed179b35, there’s no problem about compiling and running v8 for riscv64.

But you might run into some compiler errors when building other revisions.


Please read to learn more about gn build configuration.

To do a release build, run

gn gen out/Release-riscv64 --args='

For the purpose of simplifying this blog post, here I added treat_warnings_as_errors=false. If this flag is not added, you will need to apply more patches to make Chromium compile. And use_debug_fission is set to false to workaround -gsplit-dwarf is unsupported with RISC-V linker relaxation (-mrelax).


ninja -C out/Release-riscv64 chrome

If you are building mainline instead of commit 790c25b96b62748e965b7b5df8112b09ed179b35, then fix any build errors that arise and rerun it until success.

Run & Debug

First, strip Chromium, it’s too large if not stripped.

ninja -C out/Release-riscv64 chrome.stripped

Then we can use the following simple script to create a tarball of Chromium:

mkdir -p "$pkgdir"
install -D "$OUT"/chrome.stripped "$pkgdir/chromium"
install -Dm4755 "$OUT"/chrome_sandbox "$pkgdir/chrome-sandbox"
# SwiftShader ICD
cp "${files[@]/#/$OUT/}" "$pkgdir"
install -Dm644 -t "$pkgdir/locales" "$OUT"/locales/*.pak
tar --zstd -cf chromium-dist.tar.zst --directory="$pkgdir" .

Now you can transfer chromium-dist.tar.zst to real riscv64 board to test the freshly built Chromium!


Chromium provides targets for creating deb and rpm packages.

But our sysroot is built using debootstrap, which doesn’t support Chromium’s way of building deb package.

You need to use a sysroot created by Chromium’s sysroot creator script for the following two commands to work.

You might need to clean your out dir and restart the build if the sysroot is changed.

# Build deb
ninja -C out/Release-riscv64 "chrome/installer/linux:unstable_deb"
# Build rpm
ninja -C out/Release-riscv64 "chrome/installer/linux:unstable_rpm"

Here’s a screenshot of the freshly built mainline Chromium running on Arch Linux RISC-V:

Mainline Chromium running on Arch Linux RISC-V

Upstream Your Patch

If you have developed a patch for making Chromium better on riscv64. Don’t forget to upstream your patch.

In general, Chromium usually will accept small/medium changes that has negligible cost, but adding a large amount of code or new abstraction for a currently unsupported architecture like RISC-V won’t be accepted.

See for more details on how to upstream your patch.

Electron for RISC-V

Electron has an infrastructure for applying patches to Chromium, and the riscv fork of electron uses it to apply riscv64 patches.

So it’s very likely that you can find riscv64 patches for some old versions of Chromium there.


Finally, thanks Revy for inspiring me to write this blog post and helping me to improve it.